You need to DELETE/MOVE big number of objects (report instances, shortcuts…) scattered all over the system.
It could be millions of objects in hundreds or thousands folders.
Example: 200k users with favorite folders with month/year subfolders with few dozens objects in each which sum up to 14 million shortcuts and it is only in UAT system.
BOBJ Limits don’t always work, as we don’t wont anything be deleted from recent month/year folders and we want to delete everything from outdated folders, including folders.
BiWhy provides DELETE functionality, but it currently limited to single WEBI. This restriction is imposed intentionally and can be removed if there will be use cases for it.
We propose a safe way to DETELE objects, instead:
Flexibly fetch objects that you want to DELETE/MOVE with CMS DBx functionality – standard BOBJ SQL query (use object type, creation/update timestamp, owner, …)
In the result tree, select objects or folders (to select all objects beneath) and MOVE them to some ARCHIVE folder either preserving full tree path (from objects to root) or sub-path (form objects to selected folder)
Continue to use your system:
If you satisfied with results, you can finally delete objects by just removing ARCHIVE folder.
If for some reason you want to restore all/some objects, you can easily find them in tree structure and restore them by moving back with BiWhy or CMC.